World Wide Web

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The World Wide Web, often referred to as the Web, is a widespread information system platform that billions of people interact with daily. Invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the Web was designed to support connections between multiple databases on different computers. Its function is to facilitate content sharing over the Internet[1] in a user-friendly manner. This is achieved through web servers that make documents and media content available. Users can locate and access these resources through Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). The Web supports various content types and allows for easy navigation across websites via hyperlinks. Its use extends to various sectors including education, entertainment, commerce, and government, with information provided by companies, organizations, government agencies, and individual users.

Définitions des termes
1. Internet ( Internet ) L'internet est un système mondial de réseaux informatiques interconnectés qui utilisent des protocoles de communication normalisés, principalement le TCP/IP, pour relier des appareils dans le monde entier. Issu du terme "internetted" utilisé en 1849, le terme "Internet" a ensuite été utilisé par le ministère américain de la guerre en 1945. Son développement a commencé avec des informaticiens qui ont créé des systèmes de partage de temps dans les années 1960 et a progressé avec la création d'ARPANET en 1969. L'internet est autogéré, sans autorité centrale, et ses principaux espaces de noms sont administrés par l'Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Il a considérablement transformé les moyens de communication traditionnels et s'est développé de manière exponentielle au fil des ans, le nombre d'internautes augmentant de 20% à 50% par an. En 2019, plus de la moitié de la population mondiale utilisait l'internet. La suite de protocoles internet, qui comprend le protocole TCP/IP et quatre couches conceptuelles, guide les paquets internet jusqu'à leur destination. Des services essentiels comme le courrier électronique et la téléphonie par internet fonctionnent sur l'internet. Le World Wide Web, une collection mondiale de documents interconnectés, est un élément clé de l'internet.
World Wide Web (Wikipedia)

Les World Wide Web (WWW or simply the Web) is an information system that enables contenu sharing over the Internet through user-friendly ways meant to appeal to users beyond IT specialists and hobbyists. It allows documents and other web resources to be accessed over the Internet according to specific rules of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

World Wide Web
The historic World Wide Web logo, designed by Robert Cailliau. Currently, there is no widely accepted logo in use for the WWW.
Year started1989; 35 years ago (1989)
par Tim Berners-Lee
A page web de Wikipedia displayed in Google Chrome

The Web was invented by English computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee while at CERN in 1989 and opened to the public in 1991. It was conceived as a "universal linked information system". Documents and other media content are made available to the network through web servers and can be accessed by programs such as web browsers. Servers and resources on the World Wide Web are identified and located through character strings called uniform resource locators (URLs).

The original and still very common document type is a page web formatted in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). This markup language supports plain text, images, embedded video et audio contents, and scripts (short programs) that implement complex user interaction. The HTML language also supports hyperlinks (embedded URLs) which provide immediate access to other web resources. Navigation sur le web, or web surfing, is the common practice of following such hyperlinks across multiple websites. Web applications are web pages that function as application software. The information in the Web is transferred across the Internet using HTTP. Multiple web resources with a common theme and usually a common nom de domaine make up a site web. A single web server may provide multiple websites, while some websites, especially the most popular ones, may be provided by multiple servers. Website content is provided by a myriad of companies, organizations, government agencies, and individual users; and comprises an enormous amount of educational, entertainment, commercial, and government information.

The Web has become the world's dominant information systems platform. It is the primary tool that billions of people worldwide use to interact with the Internet.

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