White hat (sécurité informatique)

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White hat hacking, also known as ethical hacking, is a computer security[1] field with a rich history and diverse practices. It originated in the United States in the early stages of ordinateur[3] development, with the Air Force conducting an evaluation of the Multics operating system. Ethical hacking involves identifying and exploiting system vulnerabilities to reveal potential security[4] threats. This practice extends beyond software attacks and includes methods such as social engineering and physical infiltration. Despite its controversial nature, some countries, like Belgium and China, have recognized and regulated ethical hacking. White hat hackers are highly skilled professionals, proficient in penetration testing, social engineering, and mobile technologie[2]. Their expertise is essential for companies to enhance their network security. Several notable figures, resources, and incidents associated with ethical hacking highlight its importance in today’s digital world.

Définitions des termes
1. computer security.
1 Computer security, also known as cybersecurity, is a specialized field that involves safeguarding computer systems, networks, and data from digital attacks. These attacks often aim to access, change, or destroy sensitive information, interrupt normal business processes, or exploit system vulnerabilities for malicious purposes. Cybersecurity threats and attacks come in various forms such as malware, phishing, and denial-of-service attacks, among others. To combat these threats, security measures such as access control, firewalls, secure coding, and hardware protection are employed. It's also critical to continuously update these measures, given the evolving nature of cyber threats. The statistics and trends in this field underscore the importance of maintaining robust computer security to prevent potentially costly and damaging breaches.
2 Computer security, also known as cybersecurity, is a specialized field that involves safeguarding computer systems, networks, and data from digital attacks. These attacks often aim to access, change, or destroy sensitive information, interrupt normal business processes, or exploit system vulnerabilities for malicious purposes. Cybersecurity threats and attacks come in various forms such as malware, phishing, and denial-of-service attacks, among others. To combat these threats, security measures such as access control, firewalls, secure coding, and hardware protection are employed. It's also critical to continuously update these measures, given the evolving nature of cyber threats. The statistics and trends in this field underscore the importance of maintaining robust computer security to prevent potentially costly and damaging breaches.
2. technologie. La technologie, dérivée des mots grecs signifiant artisanat et connaissance, est un terme général qui désigne les outils, les machines et les systèmes mis au point par l'homme pour résoudre des problèmes ou atteindre des objectifs. Née avec des outils primitifs comme les haches de pierre et la découverte du feu, la technologie a évolué de manière significative tout au long de l'histoire de l'humanité. Elle a joué un rôle déterminant à différentes époques, depuis l'invention de la roue et des systèmes d'irrigation avancés dans les civilisations anciennes jusqu'à la naissance des universités et de la presse à imprimer au cours des périodes médiévale et de la Renaissance. La révolution industrielle du XVIIIe siècle a marqué un tournant important dans la production de masse et l'innovation, donnant naissance aux technologies modernes telles que l'électricité, l'automobile et les plates-formes de communication numérique. Aujourd'hui, la technologie fait partie intégrante de divers aspects de la vie et de la société, stimulant la croissance économique et les changements sociétaux, tout en suscitant des préoccupations en matière de sécurité, de respect de la vie privée et d'incidences sur l'environnement. L'avenir de la technologie devrait apporter encore plus de progrès, avec l'essor de l'intelligence artificielle qui devrait avoir des implications significatives sur le marché du travail.

A white hat (or a white-hat hacker, a whitehat) is an ethical security hacker. Ethical hacking is a term meant to imply a broader category than just penetration testing. Under the owner's consent, white-hat hackers aim to identify any vulnerabilities or security issues the current system has. The white hat is contrasted with the black hat, a malicious hacker; this definitional dichotomy comes from Western films, where heroic and antagonistic cowboys might traditionally wear a white and a black hat, respectively. There is a third kind of hacker known as a grey hat who hacks with good intentions but at times without permission.

White-hat hackers may also work in teams called "sneakers and/or hacker clubs", red teamsou tiger teams.

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