Agent logiciel

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A software agent is a type of autonomous ordinateur[2] program that performs tasks without the need for human interaction. These agents can perceive their operating context, activate themselves based on certain conditions, and perform actions such as communication and task execution. They are distinct from traditional software objects due to their autonomous nature, flexible behavior, and control over their execution threads. Software agents can be classified into several types, such as monitoring, data-mining, network and communication, software development[1]et security[3] agents, each with its own specific applications. The design of these agents involves considering factors like scheduling, synchronization, and prioritization of tasks, as well as collaboration and communication mechanisms. Various tools and technologies are available for building and deploying these agents, with applications ranging from chatbots to security measures.

Définitions des termes
1. software development. Software development is a structured process involving various methods, processes, phases, testing and production stages, as well as diverse personnel and tools. The methodologies include strategies like code-and-fix, iterative, waterfall, Agile, and DevOps, each suited for different project needs. The software development process consists of steps such as the software development life cycle, feasibility analysis, the analysis phase, design, and programming. The phases involve feasibility analysis, requirements analysis, detailed specifications, decomposition, and design. Testing and production encompass activities like code testing, debugging, quality assurance, production deployment, and bug fixing. Finally, the process requires team collaboration, effective communication, and the use of various tools such as Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE), Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), and version control systems. Intellectual property and licensing considerations are also crucial in software development.
2. ordinateur. Un ordinateur est un appareil sophistiqué qui manipule des données ou des informations conformément à un ensemble d'instructions, appelées programmes. De par leur conception, les ordinateurs peuvent effectuer un large éventail de tâches, allant des simples calculs arithmétiques au traitement et à l'analyse de données complexes. Ils ont évolué au fil des ans, depuis les outils de comptage primitifs comme le boulier jusqu'aux machines numériques modernes. Le cœur d'un ordinateur est son unité centrale de traitement (UC), qui comprend une unité arithmétique et logique (UAL) pour effectuer les opérations mathématiques et des registres pour stocker les données. Les ordinateurs disposent également d'unités de mémoire, comme la ROM et la RAM, pour stocker les informations. Les autres composants comprennent des dispositifs d'entrée/sortie (E/S) qui permettent d'interagir avec la machine et des circuits intégrés qui améliorent la fonctionnalité de l'ordinateur. Des innovations historiques majeures, comme l'invention du premier ordinateur programmable par Charles Babbage et le développement du premier ordinateur numérique électronique automatique, l'ordinateur Atanasoff-Berry (ABC), ont grandement contribué à leur évolution. Aujourd'hui, les ordinateurs alimentent l'internet, relient des milliards d'utilisateurs dans le monde entier et sont devenus un outil essentiel dans presque tous les secteurs d'activité.
Agent logiciel (Wikipedia)

Au computer science, a software agent is a computer program that acts for a user or another program in a relationship of agency.

Le terme agent is derived from the Latin agere (to do): an agreement to act on one's behalf. Such "action on behalf of" implies the authority to decide which, if any, action is appropriate. Some agents are colloquially known as bots, from robot. They may be embodied, as when execution is paired with a robot body, or as logiciel such as a chatbot executing on a ordinateur, such as a mobile device, e.g. Siri. Software agents may be autonomous or work together with other agents or people. Software agents interacting with people (e.g. chatbots, human-robot interaction environments) may possess human-like qualities such as natural language understanding and speech, personality or embody humanoid form (see Asimo).

Related and derived concepts include intelligent agents (in particular exhibiting some aspects of intelligence artificielle, such as reasoning), autonomous agents (capable of modifying the methods of achieving their objectives), distributed agents (being executed on physically distinct computers), multi-agent systems (distributed agents that work together to achieve an objective that could not be accomplished by a single agent acting alone), and mobile agents (agents that can relocate their execution onto different processors).

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