Natter (réseau social)

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Natter is a defunct microblogging[2] et service de réseau social[1] that gained rapid popularity with the help of other médias sociaux[3] sites. It was known for its tight-knit user base, often referred to as a family, and its unique events known as “god wars”. These events contributed to the development of a cultural narrative within the community, known as Natter Lore. Despite its shutdown, a Mastodon instance of Natter was created, demonstrating its lasting impact. Natter received significant financial backing during its operation and was featured in prominent media outlets. Its unique three-word social media concept set it apart from other services and filled a gap in the social networking market. Natter’s influence on the social networking landscape and its innovative approach to creating a safe online environment are frequently discussed in articles and reports.

Définitions des termes
1. service de réseau social.
1 Social networking services are online platforms designed to foster social interaction beyond physical boundaries. These services come in various formats, with diverse features that allow users to share ideas, images, videos, and events. They are categorized into different types including platforms for socialization, online social networks, non-social communication networks, social navigation, and those that aim to standardize services. The growth and impact of these services have been significant; for instance, there was a notable increase in social media users in India in 2013, and 73% of U.S. adults utilized social-networking sites in the same year. The power of social media lies in its ability to connect people based on shared interests, fostering cooperation and altruism. Furthermore, these platforms have greatly influenced various aspects of society including employment, news consumption, purchasing decisions, and mental health. Emerging trends in the field include real-time web, location-based services, business-tech integration, and niche networks. Social networking services are also being used in professional and educational contexts, providing a platform for knowledge sharing and fostering online social connectedness and well-being.
2 Social networking services are digital platforms that enable the creation and maintenance of social relationships online. These services come in a variety of formats and offer different features, ranging from sharing digital content to creating global links. They serve multiple purposes, including socializing, professional networking, and navigating social connections. The growth of these services has been impressive, impacting societies worldwide by fostering global communication and influencing various aspects of daily life. As technology evolves, so do social networking services, with a shift towards mobile accessibility and real-time web services. They have found application in various fields, from business to education, promoting collaboration, learning, and professional networking. Despite their wide use, issues such as privacy and misuse of personal information remain a concern, necessitating the implementation of regulations and investigations.
2. microblogging. Le microblogging est un outil de communication numérique et une forme de blog qui implique la création et le partage de messages brefs et fréquents. Le terme a été inventé pour la première fois sous le nom de "tumblelogs" en 2005 et est devenu un terme largement utilisé en 2006-2007. Les plateformes de microblogging, telles que Twitter et Tumblr, ont transformé la manière dont les informations sont consommées et partagées. Ces plateformes ont permis aux individus de diffuser des nouvelles et des informations en temps réel, agissant comme des capteurs ou des sources d'information. Cependant, elles soulèvent également des inquiétudes concernant la vie privée et la sécurité en raison de l'exposition potentielle de données personnelles sensibles. L'impact global du microblogging est significatif, avec diverses plateformes disponibles dans le monde entier et des utilisateurs qui l'adoptent à des fins diverses, de l'expression de la créativité au marketing et à la gestion de crise. Malgré certains problèmes d'intégration, le microblogging continue d'évoluer, influençant les styles de communication et les mouvements sociaux. Les tendances futures suggèrent une évolution vers des communautés de niche et des services axés sur la protection de la vie privée.

Natter was a social network, often referred to as a "microblogging" or even "micro-microblogging" platform. Natter allowed its users or “natterers” to post up to 100 characters and an image in each post, which could then be seen by any online users.

Type de site
Social Network
LancéNovember 2014

Natter was first launched in 2014 as a website at, and later launched apps for both iOS et Android. Originally, each post could only contain up to three words and a hashtag.

On Friday, July 29, 2016, Natter ceased operations, due to competition, as well as a lack of funds.

In February 2017 Natter relaunched with a redesigned chat style app including direct messaging between users.

On September 6, 2018, Natter was shut down once again due to a steep decline in its userbase. Potential buyers of the software had approached Neil Stanley, the owner of Natter at the time, but ultimately backed out after too large a demand.[citation nécessaire]

As of 2018, Natter's official website is defunct.

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