Facebook[3] is a globally recognized service de réseau social[1] that offers a variety of features to enhance user interaction and experience. Its key features include the News Feed, a primary system introduced in 2006 that showcases content and updates to users based on a ranking algorithme[4] called EdgeRank[5]. Another notable feature is the Friends system that allows users to send, receive, and manage friend requests, with advanced vie privée[6] features attached to profiles. The Wall, replaced by the Timeline feature in 2011, used to be the main space for contenu généré par l'utilisateur[2]. The Timeline now organizes and displays user content based on chronology, with a continuously loading post design. Lastly, Likes and Reactions, introduced in 2009, provide an interactive platform for users to engage with a variety of content types, including status updates, comments, and photos.
Facebook est un social-network service website launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg. The following is a list of software and technology features that can be found on the Facebook website and mobile app and are available to users of the médias sociaux site.