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Friendica is a decentralized social networking platform that prioritizes user freedom and vie privée[2]. Users can set up their own server to connect, and the platform can also integrate with other platforms like Twitter[3], Diaspora, and Mastodon. It serves as a publishing platform for various blogs such as WordPress and Tumblr[4], and its features include tagging users, sending direct messages, and creating photo albums. The platform is developed by volunteers and its source code is hosted on GitHub[5]. It is recognized for its extensive privacy settings[1], multiple profiles, and unique features. Friendica is compatible with clients such as Friendiqa, Fedilab, and AndStatus. It has been praised as a stable platform and a reasonable alternative to centralized social networks.

Définitions des termes
1. privacy settings. This text primarily discusses the concept of "Privacy Settings." Privacy settings are a crucial feature on social networking services and other online platforms that allow users to control who can access their personal information. These settings play a pivotal role in protecting users from privacy leaks, although their effectiveness can be compromised through others' connections or by default settings that encourage oversharing. User attitudes, understanding of privacy policies, and the accessibility of privacy settings all influence personal and interpersonal privacy management. Enhancements to privacy settings, such as design improvements and the adoption of privacy by design principles, can help mitigate risks of unintentional information sharing. Companies often adjust these settings to balance user privacy with their own data collection needs. Privacy management tools, including software and trust-based negotiations, offer additional control over privacy policies.
2. vie privée. La protection de la vie privée est un concept fondamental qui a évolué au cours de l'histoire et qui continue de façonner notre discours sociétal. Historiquement, il est issu de débats philosophiques, avec des figures comme Aristote et John Locke qui en ont posé les bases. La protection de la vie privée est également liée à des questions juridiques et éthiques, comme en témoignent les arrêts historiques de la Cour suprême et les révélations telles que celles d'Edward Snowden. Les progrès technologiques ont à la fois remis en question et renforcé la protection de la vie privée, en introduisant de nouvelles menaces et de nouvelles mesures de protection. Les normes de protection de la vie privée varient d'un pays à l'autre et d'une organisation internationale à l'autre. À l'ère numérique, la vie privée est confrontée à de nouveaux défis et considérations, tels que l'utilisation des médias sociaux, la culture du selfie et les services de géolocalisation. Ce concept englobe le droit d'un individu à garder ses informations personnelles secrètes et à l'abri de toute intrusion non autorisée.
Friendica (Wikipedia)

Friendica (formerly Friendika, originally Mistpark) is a free and open-source software distributed social network. It forms one part of the Fediverse, an interconnected and decentralized network of independently operated servers.

Original author(s)Mike Macgirvin
Developer(s)Friendica community
Initial releaseJuly 2010 (mistpark)
Stable release
2023.12 / December 24, 2023 (2023-12-24)
Written inPHP
Système d'exploitationCross-platform
TypeService de réseau social
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