User experience

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User Experience (UX) is a broad term that encompasses every aspect of an end-user’s interaction with a company, its services, or its products. This includes users’ perceptions and responses, both emotional and cognitive, during and after the use of a system, product, or service. User Experience also involves users’ beliefs, preferences, and behaviors. While usability, a component of UX, focuses on the practical aspects of a system, UX incorporates a holistic view of system use. User experience is a vital factor in increasing fire[4] loyalty[3] and customer[1] base growth. Its history dates back to the Machine Age, with notable contributions from figures like Frederick Winslow Taylor, Henry Ford, and Donald Norman. Today, technology[2] advancements continue to shape and expand the field.

Developer Experience (DX) is the analog of UX for software developers. It represents the experience developers have with the tools, processes, and software they use in their work. A high-quality DX can significantly impact the overall user experience, thus contributing to the success of the product. The importance of DX is increasingly recognized in the field of software services, where ease of use can serve as a key market differentiator. This concept has been explored by various authors and researchers, and it’s also emphasized in international standards like ISO 9241-210, which advocates for human-centered design.

Terms definitions
1. customer.
1 The primary entity in this text is the "customer. A customer is an individual or entity that purchases goods or services from a business. They are crucial participants in the commercial landscape, forming relationships with businesses through transactions. Customers can also be classified as 'clients,' especially when they receive tailored advice or solutions from a business. The term 'client' originates from Latin, implying a sense of leaning or bending toward a business. Customers vary in types - from end customers who directly buy products or services, to industrial customers who incorporate these goods or services into their own offerings. These customers can have different relationships with the business, such as being employers in construction projects. Businesses often segment their customers into different categories, like entrepreneurs or end users, to better understand and serve them. The understanding and management of customer relationships is a critical area of study and practice in business.
2 The primary entity in this text is the "customer. A customer is an individual or entity that purchases goods or services from a business. They are crucial participants in the commercial landscape, forming relationships with businesses through transactions. Customers can also be classified as 'clients,' especially when they receive tailored advice or solutions from a business. The term 'client' originates from Latin, implying a sense of leaning or bending toward a business. Customers vary in types - from end customers who directly buy products or services, to industrial customers who incorporate these goods or services into their own offerings. These customers can have different relationships with the business, such as being employers in construction projects. Businesses often segment their customers into different categories, like entrepreneurs or end users, to better understand and serve them. The understanding and management of customer relationships is a critical area of study and practice in business.
2. technology. Technology, derived from the Greek words meaning craft and knowledge, is a broad term that refers to the tools, machines, and systems developed by humans to solve problems or fulfill objectives. Originating with primitive tools like stone axes and the discovery of fire, technology has evolved significantly throughout human history. It has been instrumental in different eras, from the invention of the wheel and advanced irrigation systems in ancient civilizations to the birth of universities and printing press during the medieval and Renaissance periods. The Industrial Revolution in the 18th century marked a significant shift in mass production and innovation, giving rise to modern technologies like electricity, automobiles, and digital communication platforms. Today, technology is integral to various aspects of life and society, driving economic growth and societal change, while also raising concerns about security, privacy, and environmental impacts. The future of technology is expected to bring even more advancements, with the rise of artificial intelligence predicted to have significant implications for the job market.
User experience (Wikipedia)

User experience (UX) is how a user interacts with and experiences a product, system or service. It includes a person's perceptions of utility, ease of use, and efficiency. Improving user experience is important to most companies, designers, and creators when creating and refining products because negative user experience can diminish the use of the product and, therefore, any desired positive impacts. Conversely, designing toward profitability as a main objective often conflicts with ethical user experience objectives and even causes harm. User experience is subjective. However, the attributes that make up the user experience are objective.

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