Semiotic democracy is a concept in media studies[1] and communication that was first introduced by John Fiske in 1987. It is a theory that allows viewers to assign their personal interpretations to television[2] shows, giving them a degree of control over the content they consume. This idea has been embraced by the legal community, particularly in discussions around cultural reworkings. However, concerns have been raised over copyright[3] laws potentially constraining the creation of derivative works. Scholars like Professor Terry Fisher have expanded the discussion of semiotic democracy into the realm of entertainment crisis. The concept is closely related to theories such as détournement, textual poachers, reader-response criticism, and the encoding/decoding model of communication.
Semiotic democracy is a phrase first coined by John Fiske, a media studies professor, in his seminal media studies book Television Culture (1987). Fiske defined the term as the "delegation of the production of meanings and pleasures to [television's] viewers." Fiske discussed how rather than being passive couch potatoes that absorbed information in an unmediated way, viewers actually gave their own meanings to the shows they watched that often differed substantially from the meaning intended by the show's producer.
Subsequently, this term was appropriated by the technical and legal community in the context of any re-working of cultural imagery by someone who is not the original author. Examples include fan fiction and slash fiction.
Legal scholars are concerned that just as technology eases the process of cheaply making and distributing derivative works imbued with new cultural meanings available to wide public, copyright and right-to-publicity law is clamping down on and limiting these works, thus reducing their promulgation, and limiting semiotic democracy.
Prof. Terry Fisher or Harvard Law School has written about semiotic democracy in the context of the crisis facing the entertainment industry and in terms of the ability of people to use the Internet in creative new ways.